David Andrew Sinclair (David Sinclair)

David Sinclair photo at age 40 and 50 comparison

David Andrew Sinclair (David Sinclair)

David Andrew Sinclair is well known for his research on aging, specifically reverse aging and longevity.


  • Date of birth: 26 June 1969
  • Place of birth: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
  • Nationality: Australian, American
  • Fields: Molecular genetics

Official social media


Personal supplements

This is the list of supplements David Sinclair personally takes and eats based on his disclosure to public on social media.
  • Resveratrol
    • 1 gram daily
    • David Sinclair takes resveratrol with one scoop of his homemade yogurt in the morning.
    • Based on David Sinclair, resveratrol dissolves in fat and effectiveness increase greatly if you eats with fat.
    • Although didn’t mentioned, he is probably taking micronized resveratrol.
  • NMN (Nicotinamide mononucleotide)
    • 1 gram daily in the morning
  • Metformin
    • 1 gram daily, 0.5 gram in the morning and 0.5 gram at night
      • Skip completely on days when exercising (he exercises 2 times per week)
    • Metformin is a prescription drug for type 2 diabetic
  • Statin
    • Taken since his early 20s due to family history of cardiovascular disease
  • Aspirin
    • 83mg (micrograms) daily
  • Vitamins
    • Vitamin D
    • Vitamin K2

This article summarize what supplements David Sinclair takes everyday: https://fastlifehacks.com/david-sinclair-supplements/

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Does David Sinclair takes NMN sublingually (under the tongue)?

  • No, David Sinclair takes NMN capsules and doesn’t consume NMN sublingually.
    • Reference: David Sinclair stated in his official website for his book that he doesn’t consume NMN sublingually


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